
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Gotcha Day Babies!

A year! It's been a year! This moment comes to every adoptive parent and we have even celebrated 2 one year gotcha anniversaries before, but each time it's special and a reminder of God's love for us. That God loves us so much he blessed us this much, that each time he created sometimes large and sometimes small miracles, sometimes he moves hills and other times mountains, each time we are blessed with the miracle of a new life. Each gotcha anniversary we celebrate all that brought our babies into our lives and the memories made with them now that they are here. We love each of our children, intensely, and today we celebrate Lily & Aaron!

Lily Bug's Gotcha Moment

We love you Lily Bug and celebrate the promise that God gave to us, that you would be ours, the promise of a new baby girl was given to us 3 years before you arrived home. Though God may tarry, He will always fulfill His promise.

We love you Aaron and we celebrate the surprise God had for us in you. We never planned or expected a fourth child or a son. Aaron was a special gift from the Lord. One day God said "you will have a son" and 4 months later you were home! We cherish you both and we thank our Maker for making YOU!

Aaron's Gotcha Moment

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Wow its been a year! Time does fly, when are our next ones coming home LOL